Saturday 13 October 2012

The Browning Version - Key notes, Question Bank


1) The student-teacher relationship between Taplow and Frank vs. the relationship between Taplow and Crocker Harris

2) The portrait of Crocker Harris which emerges from the conversation between Taplow and Frank

3) Comparison of Frank with Harris as teachers at the same school

4) The concept of punishment, rules and bonding with students


Q.1.  Comment on the attitude shown by Taplow towards Crocker-Harris?
Q.2   What impression of Frank do you get as a teacher?
Q.3.  What kind of person is Mr. Crocker-Harris?
Q.4.  Why is Taplow in school at 6:30p.m. on the last day of school?
Q.5.   Mr. Crocker-Harris is the subject of the conversation between Taplow and Frank. What kind of a picture emerges of Mr. Harris as a teacher and as a person?
Q.6.  Why is Taplow bitter?
Q.7.  Does Frank encourage Taplow's comments on Crocker - Harris?

Q.8.  Why do you think Harris called 'The Crock' or 'Himmler of the lower fifth'?
Q.9.  Why does Frank seem to envy Harris' fear in the students?
Q.10.  Describe Millie. What do you think happens after our extract ends?


  1. maam,
    what exactly is millies role and what kind of question could come related to millie?

    1. In this extract,Millie Crocker Harris simply provides a means for Taplow to skip detention. In the original book, she has a more significant role to play.

  2. maam,
    what exactly is millies role and what kind of question could come related to millie?
    was there anything between millie and frank?

  3. Well, we could ask you how she helped Taplow out or her description. Nothing more from the exam point of view. She's more important in the context of the original play, but not for class XI exams.

  4. mam, please write the summary of whole chapter....i am in a hurry

  5. @Bluebells School International
    Sorry, that's not the point of this site :)
    Read the chapter well. Good luck.

  6. Why is the title Browning Version?

  7. @Dolan: In this extract, the version of the Greek tragedy 'Agamemnon', which Taplow is supposed to work on, was translated by Robert Browning. Hence, the name.

    This chapter is an extract. The title won't make much sense until you read/watch the complete play where this version of 'Agamemnon' becomes a parting gift for Crocker-Harris.

  8. could u tell why Frank gets infinitely relieved on seeing Mille?? Does relieved here have another meaning?

    1. Well, in the original novel, Frank was at Crocker Harris' quarters to meet Millie with whom he is having an affair. One explanation may state that he was 'happy' to see her, therefore relieved, especially since Harris was expected to arrive any time.

      However, it might also indicate a welcome interruption from a situation where he had begun to enjoy and join in with Taplow's comments about a fellow master.
