Friday 5 October 2012

Albert Einstein at School: Handout for Sequence of Events


CLASS:XI                  HANDOUT: Albert Einstein at School       Teacher: Ms. Sakshi Chopra

Given below are the events of the story Albert Einstein at School. However, they are in a jumbled order. Find the correct order of events. The first point is the correct starting order:

1. Albert and the History teacher exchange sharp words.                   ____1____

2. Elsa comes to meet him.                                                                _________

3. The Maths teacher praises Albert.                                                 _________

4. Yuri advises him to stay-on in the school                                       _________

5. The Head Teacher suggests that Albert should leave the school     _________

6. Elsa advises him to rote-learn like other students                           _________

7. Albert fears he might suffer from a nervous breakdown.                _________

8. Albert decides to leave school.                                                     _________

9. Yuri suggests that he get a school-leaving certificate.                     _________

10.  Albert decides to go to Milan.                                                   _________

11.  Dr. Weil decides to help Albert.                                                _________

12. Albert is summoned by the Head teacher.                                   _________

13. Albert meets Dr. Weil                                                                _________

14. Albert is humiliated by the Head Teacher                                    _________

15. Albert hates his lodgings, too.                                                     _________ 

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