Monday 27 August 2012

Research Based Essays: SEPT-NOV Web Diagrams

SUBMISSION DATE - November 16, 2012


Topic 1: Money, power and Influence often prevent justice. Illustrate these through a detailed review with reference to two cases. Also, discuss the concept of justice as perceived by the common man and where public opinion forced a review of judgement.  (E.g. Jessica Lall, Priyadarshini Mattoo, Nitish Katara)

Vocabulary: Dominion, Magistrate, Jurisprudent, Propriety, Equity, Sovereignty, Accreditation, Charter, Purview, Credentials, Ordinance, Statuate, Decree, Penal code, Adjudication, Yardstick, Touchstone, Appraisal, Perspicacity, Astuteness, Acumen

Topic 2: Isolation, loneliness and boredom .What do these words mean to you. How should the modern youth cope with these? Narrate with case histories.

Vocabulary: Sequester, disjunction, insulate, caesura, cleave, sunder, sever, rupture, forlorn, sanctum, sactorum, solitudinarian, reclusive, ostracise, non-gregarious, recessive, standoffish

Topic 3: Is cricket the only game that Indians play? Discuss the state of Indian sports and our general apathy towards sports and sports persons. What is the role and future of cricket in relation to other popular sports like soccer, rugby, and tennis? What future do the Indian sports people have with Sports as alternative profession?

Key Vocabulary: Callisthenics, agonistics, contortion, vortex, ebullience, legerity, inertia, stupor, torpor, laissez faire, deadlock, stalemate, entrophy, abeyance, phlegmatic



Topic 1: Cinema is a powerful medium. Discuss with examples how it can become an instrument of social change with examples from the movies from 1950 onwards

Vocabulary: Stratum, Beau monde, Patrician, Nouveau riche, Upstart, Flicker, Screenplay, Avocation, Mirth, Regaling, Jocose, Limelight, Socialism, Communism, Histrionic, Stellar

Topic 2: Examine the evolution of the protagonist and the antagonist in the Indian cinema from the 1950’s to 2010. Please take two examples from each decade and highlight their traits.

Vocabulary: Maturation, Inversion, Unfurl, Daredevil, Valour, Gallantry, Stalwart, Audacious, Histrionics, Thespian, Averse, Inimical, Repugnant, Iconoclast, Contrarient, Satanic Hero

Topic 3: The representation of women in a literary work by a woman is different from that of a man. Discuss this with references to four novelists (two men and two women and their respective works).

Key Vocabulary: Female, Feminine, Feminist, Feminism, Effete, Suffragist, Suffragette, Muliebrile, Distaff, Vestal, Effeminate, Anile, Delineation, Adumbration, Limn, Iconology, Portraiture, Typification


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