Thursday 16 August 2012

Landscape of the Soul - Pre reading tasks

Bluebells School International
Class: XI          Reading Comprehension – Landscape of the Soul: Pre-reading                Level 1

Name: ___________________                                                        Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar
Date  : ___________________                                                                              
Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:

Among these hills and gardens I’ve regained my health
The garden blocks noise and the winds of turmoil
Pristine solitude summons distant winds
My house is on the northern hill
Doors open onto a southern river
A stream eliminates the need for a well
Hibiscus on terraced banks serves as a wall
From my door I view a grove of trees
And a mountain-range from my window
A winding trail leads to fields below
In the distance I gaze at towering peaks
My desires are few, my ease is safeguarded.

Q.1. Why has the poet built his house among the hills?
Q.2. How do we know the house is peaceful and breezy? Q.3. Describe the landscape where the house has been built?  
Q.4. Rephrase the last line in your own words.
Q.5. Find words in the passage that are closest synonyms for the following:
                (a) anxiety; disturbance –                                           (b) pure –
                (c) remove –                                                                 (d) tall –

Bluebells School International
Class: XI            Reading Comprehension – Landscape of the Soul: Pre-reading                Level 2

Name: ___________________                                                 Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar
Date  : ___________________                                                                              
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:

At dawn, staff in hand, I climb the crags,
And by dusk, settle among the mountains.
Scarcely a peak rises as high as this hut
Facing crags and overlooking winding streams
Forests stretch before the mountain’s open gate
Boulders heaped round its very steps
Mountains crowd around blocking out roads
Trails wander into bamboo thickets
Visitors lose their way on coming up
Or forget the paths leading home when they descend
Raging torrents rush through the dusk,
Monkeys howl throughout the night
Deep in meditation I hold the inner pattern
Nurturing the way, never severing from it
My heart is one with the autumn trees
My eyes delight in the flowering of spring
I inhabit the constant and await my end
Content to dwell in peace, accepting the flux of things
I only regret that there is no kindred spirit here
To climb this ladder of sky and clouds with me
Q.1. The landscape described seems far away from outside activity. Which lines indicate this?                 
Q.2. Why is the poet not distracted by the howling monkeys and raging torrents?                                      
Q.3. Identify any one instance of personification in the poem                                                                      
Q.4. What happens to visitors when they are here?  
Q.5. What is the poet's only regret?                  
Q.6. Find words in the passage that mean the following:                                                                             
           (a) Huge stones –                                (b) Amble –                                         (c) Angry –
           (d) Unchanging –                                (e) Live –                                             (f) Similar –

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