Monday 27 August 2012

September Vocabulary


Find words from your vocabulary that may be associated with the following pictures. Then resolve the worksheets given. Don't forget to have fun!

Bluebells School International
English Language Worksheet: Class XI September Vocabulary Worksheet Level 1

Name   : _______________________                                               Date: ____________________
Class    : _______________________                                              Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar
Q.1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the August vocabulary:

  1. Svetlana decided to sell the ________________ to Mr. Anderson, an American who enjoyed going to Russia for his summer vacation.

  1. Proper ______________ of time helps to assure victory in any task one may undertake.

  1. Bharat was embarrassed when his boss caught him enjoying a ______________ during office hours.

  1. There is no greater gift in the world, than the ______________ of parents.

  1. The crazy elephant went on a ______________ through the city of Mexico.

  1. The pudding was the star of the buffet due to the ______________ blueberries in it.

  1. The mother ______________ the howling child by promising to take him to the park later that evening.

  1. The Chief Minister claimed that the elections had been fair, but it was only a ______________ as the local authorities had witnessed foul play on the day of voting.

  1. The ______________ of India establishes us as a diverse country not only in culture, but also in terms of the physical attributes of our land.

  1. The dictator decided to ______________ the powers of all public institutions of the nation.

  1. The ______________ carving on the panel left me spellbound.

  1. Preeti, an ______________, loves to make new friends.

  1. Words like thee, thy, thou and thine have become ______________ except, perhaps, in poetry.

  1. We must take some time out of our busy lives to ______________ about the world around us.

  1. William Shakespeare, one of the most prolific writers in the world, was known as the ______________ of Avon.

  1. We have become dependent on technology, even at the cost of intellectual ______________.

  1. Kashish is a ______________ child and thus, has won the hearts of all her teachers.

  1. It is regretful that India is now known as a country of political and financial ______________.

  1. If we ______________ after any failure, we shall surely discover a path to success.

  1. The troop faced severe ______________ on the border and was forced to abort their mission.


Bluebells School International
English Language Worksheet: September Vocabulary Worksheet Level 2

Name   : _______________________                                              Date: ____________________
Class    : _______________________                                             Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar

Find the most suitable words from the September vocabulary given below and place them at their appropriate place in the passage. You may use the antonyms given in parenthesis as hints:

Benediction          Lethargy          Exquisite          Obsolete          Retrospect        Introspect

Extrovert          Bard                Barrage           Rampage         Demure         Siesta               Dacha

Mollify             Succulent         Topography      Usurp           Utilization           Sham         Scam

The __________ (author) sat in the corner thinking about the latest theme of his poem. Should he talk of the  ____________ (rambunctious) girl next door, who in reality was obstinate and unkind? Or should he write of how _____________ (contemporary) the accuracy of grammar and diction has become and casual slang-filled English destroyed the Queen’s language? Or perhaps he should focus on the recent _____________ (vigour) of the government to take no action despite the number of ministers involved in _________ (honest actions).

A few feet away, stood the church. He recalled the sermon last Sunday which encouraged everyone to ______________ (retrospect) and correct their own flaws, before they chose to ______________ (introspect). He remembered how the devout congregation had bent their head in unison to receive the priest’s ______________ (curse).

He glanced at the ______________ (mansion) of the Czar in the distance and found himself wondering about the ironies of life. How many times had he written poems simply to ______________ (upset) the Czar and put him in good humour? How many times had he sat at the foot of the royal table enjoying ______________ (insipid) meat and wine? How many times had he praised the egotistic Czar, knowing it was all ______________ (genuine)?

His eyes roamed the topography of his beloved St. Petersburg. As his head drooped for a ______________ (being awake), he dreamed of someday gaining enough power to ______________ (surrender) the current reign and thus, resolve all the issues of the world. Just before his eyes closed, he peeped into his own heart.

A ______________ (defense) of pessimistic thoughts flooded his mind as he realized how many psychosomatic disorders hid there.  Their ______________ (peaceful demonstration) left him aghast.

The epiphany was as follows: All afternoon, he had been sitting idle, finding faults in everyone around him when the truth was entirely different. A gift is worthwhile only when carried in a worthy package. He realized that he must become a better man before he could become a better poet.


  1. love u ma'am geetanjali and thanx!!!!!

  2. Sure ma'am.
    Both the comments are from your student Akanksha Singh of XI B.

  3. Sure ma'am
    Both comments from your lovely student Akanksha Singh of class XI B
