Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Practice Paper - The Tale of Melon City

Bluebells School International
Practice Paper – The Tale of Melon City
Time: 60 minutes
Name: ____________________                                                                    Date: __________________
Class: ____________________                                                                     Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar

Q.1. Please answer the following questions briefly:                                                           2m x 20 = 40 m

i) Comment on the note ‘After Idries Shah’ left by the poet?

ii) What did the king want in the beginning of the poem and why did he want the same?

iii) Which incident perturbed the otherwise just and placid king?

iv) Which poetic device has been used to call the king ‘just and placid’? Discuss.

v) Trace the chain of blame from the beginning to just before the wise man was brought to counsel.

vi) Why did the king ask for the wisest man in the city? What all do we come to know about this wise man?

vii) Why did the king decide to hang any man who fit the noose? What was the outcome of this decision?

viii) Discuss the irony in the line, ‘Long live the king! The King is dead.’

ix) How did a melon become the next king?

x) Did the people accept him as their ruler? Why or why not?

xi) What do you understand by the term ‘satire’?

xii) What do you think Seth is satirizing through this poem?

xiii) What is meant by ‘Laissez Faire? Do you think it an effective governing system? Why or why not?

xiv) This is a story narrated in verse. Comment on the style of the poet.

xv) According to you, which are the ways to maintain peace and liberty through a nation’s governing body?

Practice Paper - The Birth

Bluebells School International
Practice Paper – The Birth
Time: 30 minutes
Name: ____________________                                                                    Date: __________________
Class: ____________________                                                                     Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar
Q.1. Please identify the following statements as true or false:                                           ½ m x 4 = 2m
            a) Dr. Andrew Manson was a qualified and experienced doctor.                  ________________
            b) Dr. Andrew Manson had grown up in the mining town of Blaenelly           ________________
            c) Dr. Andrew Manson was a qualified doctor fresh out of medical school    ________________
            d) Dr. Andrew Manson was complacent about his status quo at the time       ________________
            our story opens.

Q.2.     Justify Andrew’s thought at the story, in about 80-100 words.
            Justify the title of the story in about 80-100 words                                                            3m

Q.3. Please answer the following questions in about 35-40 words:                                   2m x 10 = 20m
i)          Why was the baby extraordinarily precious for the Morgan family?

ii)         What was Dr. Andrew Manson’s state of mind at the beginning of the story?

iii)        What was Andrew thinking of when waiting in the kitchen with Joe’s mother?

iv)        Why did Joe choose to wait outside while Dr. Manson helped his wife?

v)         Why did a ‘shiver of horror’ pass over Andrew as he gazed at the baby?

vi)        Whom did Andrew choose to save first? Did he make this decision after careful consideration?

vii)       Where did the midwife place the baby when Dr. Manson handed it to her and why?

viii)      Briefly describe the shock-method Dr. Manson tried at first?

ix)        Why did Andrew not heed the nurse during his attempts to help the baby?

x)         Why has the author described the baby’s mucus as ‘a joyful iridescent bubble’?