Tuesday 31 July 2012

Vocabulary August

Identify which words from this month's vocabulary can be represented by the pictures given below:

Now resolve the worksheets given below:

Bluebells School International
English Language Worksheet: August Vocabulary Worksheet Level 1

Name   : _________________                                                   Date: _________
Class    : _________________                                                   Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar
Q.1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the August vocabulary:
  1. Srishti’s _____________ personality won many hearts during her university years. 
  2. The series of murders seems to indicate that a _____________ is on the loose. 
  3. Despite the pride in his carriage, the trembling __________ hands of the old man revealed his plight. 
  4. The judge chose to _____________ the decision till the missing witness was found. 
  5. As a challenge, the Pink Panther decided to ___________ from France till he solved his latest case
  6. The  _____________  rain prevented any outings for almost a week. 
  7. People often say ‘reply back’ without realizing how _____________ the words are in each other’s company. 
  8. The _____________ of an environmentalist is Severn Suzuki who silenced the UN for five minutes when she spoke about the deteriorating conditions of the environment due to human impact. 
  9. After the busiest week ever, Mr. Parwan was glad for the _____________ of his country side resort. 
  10. Any _____________ is a testament to how human beings are still animals on the inside. 
  11. The _____________ plot of the novel was difficult to follow in one go. 
  12. The speech was quite _____________ and every man in the room was moved by the oratory skills. 
  13. The certificates Rahul accumulated as a student went a long way to help him in life as opposed to the trophies that only gathered dust in a _____________ of his home. 
  14. Despite the grim theme, the movie was a _____________ and had us laughing all the way to the end. 
  15. Rivals Shakespeare and Marlow often wrote _____________ about each other. 
  16. On learning of the many philanthropic uses of the stolen money, the judge chose to _____________ the thief of all charges. 
  17. One must be _____________, but not to such an extent that one forgets to have fun in life.
  18. Even though she is well aware it’s only _____________, each time there is an exam around the corner, Ria feels feverish and nauseous.
  19. The _____________ personality Mira adopted for formal occasions was at odds with the woman she really was.
  20. The Indian _____________ makes sincere efforts to keep their cultural identity alive wherever they may live.

Bluebells School International
English Language Worksheet: August Vocabulary Worksheet Level 2

Name   : _______________________                                            Date: ____________________
Class    : _______________________                                           Teacher: Ms. Geetanjali Kumar

Fifteen of the following words have been used in the blanks below. Find the words and place them at their appropriate place. You may use the synonyms/meanings in the parenthesis as hint:

Writers of the Indian ______________ (Indian origin writers in the world) have managed to find their own, distinct ______________ (corner/position) in the literary world simply due to their _________________ (persistent) efforts to be recognized for their work. Their material is ________________ (thought-provoking) and has resulted in varied responses from readers. While some term their productions ___________________ (enthusiastic) attempts, others find it merely the showcasing of _________________ (typical) Indian suffering and _______________ (separation) due to the western world.

The ________________ (knotty) tree of time has seen different kinds of critics. There were those who praised whole-heartedly, those who enjoyed reading these texts but were _______________ (reserved) in voicing their appreciation and there were also those who went over each line with a fine-toothed comb trying to find __________ (blunders). The global recognition was _______________ (delayed) for long but finally, we’re here. After travelling a ______________ (sinuous) path for years, the literature of the periphery can call itself a part of the mainstream. The authors have proven themselves worthy of the love of their fans and remain _____________ (cautious) when writing so as to leave very minimal room for prejudicial judgement.

So have the native writers escaped all censure? Have the literary _____________ (people who are mentally ill and dangerous) stopped torturing them? Has the _____________________ (caused by anxiety or worry) disorder arising from insecurity due to the upcoming writers of the periphery been eliminated? Has the _________________ (mass murder) of independent native thoughts ceased overnight? No. Not yet. But when has that ever stopped us?

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