Topic 1: What sets dictators apart from peacemakers? Analyze in
depth by comparing Fidel Castro, Hitler, Stalin, Martin Luther King and Gandhi.
What were the underlying ethos behind their actions and philosophies?
Key Vocabulary:
Nazism, Authoritarianism, Autocracy,
Coercion, Despotism, Fascism,
Totalitarianism, Tyranny, Garrison,
Preponderance, coercion, Maltreatment,
Absolutism, Autarchy, Jurisdiction
OR any other words or phrases used in your essay that were
new to you
Face to Face With Fidel Castro A Conversation
with Tomas Borge
(tr.) Mary Todd People’s Publishing House 1994
Strength of Love Martin Luther King Collins 1963
Modern Dictators Barry Rubin W.H. Allen 1989
Stalin Leon Trotski Hollis & Carter Ltd.
Gandhi the Man Eknath Easwaran Nilgiri Press
The Story of My Life M.K. Gandhi NCERT 1970
The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma
Gandhi Raghavan N. Iyer OUP 2000
Gandhi: Hind Swaraj and Other Writings (Ed)
Anthony J. Parel CUP 1997
Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler Jaico Publishing House
Cold War: Warnings for a Unipolar World Fidel
Castro Ocean Press 2003
Topic 2: From Apartheid to A Rainbow Nation trace the history of
South Africa and its heroes, especially Madiba in their quest for freedom.
Also, reflect on the modern interpretation of the word freedom.
Key Vocabulary:
Racial Segregation, Ethnicity,
Bigotry, Racialism, Sectarianism,
Disjunction, Severance, Dissociation,
Crusade, Inquest, Inquisition,
Delve, Pursuit, Quarry,
Tour de force
OR any other words or phrases used in your essay
that were new to you
An Introduction to Political Ideas Peter
M.R. Stirk & David Weigall Pinter 1995
A Rainbow in the Midnight Dominique
Lappiere Full Circle 2010
The Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
Abacus 1994
Apartheid The UN and the International
Community ES Reddy Vikas Publication House Pvt. Ltd. 1986
Outlook Magazine Issues
Topic 3: Research
on the origins of drama in Europe and India. What were the changes that led to
its present form and what were its main elements? Moreover, pay special
attention to the various kinds of drama prevalent in India.
Key Vocabulary:
Climax, Dramaturgy, Farce,
Histrionics, Melodrama, Thespian,
Exposition, Opus, Symphony,
Animation, Hysteria, Fabrication,
Hamartia, Fable, Lore
OR any other words or phrases used in your essay
that were new to you
Three Sanskrit plays (Tr.) Michael
Coulson Penguin Books 1981
What is Theatre? Eric Bentley Beacon
Press 1956
A Study of Drama Albert G. Craz Mc
Cormuck-Mathers Pub. Co. Inc. 1965
Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays (Tr.)
Robert Fagles Penguin 1984
The Indian Theatre Adya Rangacharya NBT
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