Thursday 19 April 2012

Vocabulary Apr-May


Q.1. Fill in the blanks with words from the vocabulary above:
  • The ___________ face of the monster in the movie was unforgettable.
  • Prayasi is an ____________ dancer, a passionate singer and a dedicated student.
  • The _______________ of the speaker's voice was soothing and added to the charm of the cultural evening.
  • The union leader explained to the workers, the _______________ behind the decision taken by the management.
  • Due to his consistent good behaviour and diligent efforts to educate his fellow inmates, Tarif Siddiqui was bestowed _______________ by the president of India.
  • Ria’s ___________ persona often gets her into trouble with teachers.
  • Prafful was reluctant to ___________ himself in an unnecessary argument even if it meant not supporting his best friend in the matter.
  • The _____________ was to be hanged at dawn in the public courthouse.
  • ______________ to drugs has social, physical, cultural, emotional and economic ramifications.
  • The weather was perfect for an ____________ in the park with friends.
  • That women are only suitable for domestic chores, is a _____________ long disproved.
  • The speech had a poignant message despite its ___________.
  • When I was offered the unexpected raise, my intuition told me there would be a _____________ involved.
  • Raghu felt strangely ____________ after the final paper of his board exams.
  • The cops found the missing jewels in the thief's secret _____________ hidden behind a painting at his home.
  • The _____________ style of humour employed by the author Anurag Mathur, made 'Inscrutable Americans' a bestseller.
  • The ___________ of CCE includes both scholastic and co-scholastic activities.
  • When Ravi entered the haunted house, the _____________ silence made his shiver with nervousness.
  • The unruly crowd _________________ as soon as the police arrived on the scene.
  • Not only was the food excellent, the restaurant was also famous for its innovative _____________.


  1. we've got some garrulous and facetious kids in our class.
    hope this sentence is okay!

  2. :D

    Although true, be careful not to begin isolated sentences with pronouns (I, we, he, she, it, they and so on). Instead, try this:

    Class XI B has several garrulous students who enjoy passing facetious remarks.
